A note from the YPS chair
November-December 2024
From YPS Chair Sam Mathis, MD, MBA
As I write this, the 2024 Interim Meeting of the AMA has just concluded. Our YPS has met, debated and advocated on behalf of our patients and the physicians who serve them. I always walk away from our meetings humbled by the intelligence, collegiality and commitment of our section members to the AMA's mission. Thank you for all you do to represent our section.
YPS strategic plan focus: Leadership development
This month, I want to highlight another focus of the YPS strategic plan. The second primary goal of our section is to promote leadership development of young physicians. For the interim meeting, we had members of our section involved in almost every committee, education session and activity of the house. Young physicians showed up to the interim meeting ready to work and advocate.
As mentioned in the October YPS Members and News Highlights, we have young physicians in leadership positions throughout their county, state and specialty societies. Additionally, the YPS Governing Council and our professional development committee are working with business units of the AMA to create business and leadership educational offerings that will be available to all members to help advance young physician leadership skills.
Informatics Caucus
We see this leadership development shine in a new caucus formation and advancement of technology science in the House of Delegates. With the rapid change in health care associated with technological advancement, young physicians stepped up to the plate to face these challenges head-on. The Informatics Caucus was started by young physicians and has even led to a task force and possible future council to engage and address how medicine and technology intersect. Our members are engaging with these issues proactively to ensure patient safety and physician autonomy remain at the forefront of our interactions with technology.
Nomination Committee
At the interim meeting, the assembly voted to create a Nomination Committee for the upcoming endorsement process. The GC is working with staff to create the nomination form and election poll that will go out to all members of the interim assembly. Be on the lookout for that email soon. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for our endorsement process, please email [email protected] . We want to hear from you.
Finally, I want to say thank you. As Thanksgiving nears, I hope you take time to reflect on all the good things we have in our lives and all the good we do in our communities. You are making an impact on the lives of your patients, your coworkers, your colleagues, your family, and your community. Thank you for everything that you do! You are making the world a better place for the people around you.
I wish you all a great rest of the year and look forward to working with you in 2025.
Contact us
As always, email us at [email protected] with any comments and questions.