AMA Data Integration
What is AMA Data Integration?
AMA Data Integration was designed to remove the hassle of manually typing AMA Profiles data into your software. AMA has developed relationships with credentialing software providers to integrate primary source–verified data from the AMA directly into the credentialing software you may already be using. Your organization may also integrate your own propriety software with AMA Data Integration. The integration of AMA credentialing data into this software provides unlimited AMA Physician Professional Data (formerly known as Masterfile) Profile data downloads and access to AMA’s Continuous Monitoring Service. The key to unlocking this data within your software is the purchase of an AMA Profiles subscription.
How much does this cost?
The AMA does not charge for this convenient integration service. The cost of an AMA Profiles subscription varies. Please complete this form to receive a quote.
Software providers
Which software providers offer AMA Data Integration?
View the list of integrated software providers. If your software provider is not listed, you may contact your software representative and request AMA Data Integration.
Profile delivery
Do the profiles come across in a PDF? When using credentialing software that integrates AMA data, can I generate a print copy of a profile?
At this time, the data is delivered in an XML data feed to integrated software. Some software providers may offer a print-friendly or PDF version of the data, but this varies by provider. Contact your software provider for details.
AMA is finalizing PDF delivery plans to integrated software providers. Once implemented, software customers may access the same official AMA Profile PDF that can be found on AMA Profiles Hub. Software providers should begin receiving these PDFs by late 2019. Contact your software provider to learn when you will be able to access the AMA PDF through your software system.
Until then, your AMA profiles subscription allows you access to the AMA Profiles Hub through which you may download PDFs of the profiles.
Account balance transfers
Can my organization’s account balance be transferred to the purchase of my new AMA subscription?
Yes. Customers of the former AMA profiles site with an open account balance may transfer all or part of that balance to a subscription package on AMA Profiles Hub. Enrollment in a subscription pricing package will replace the former account balance program often used on the AMA profiles site.
Summary of orders
If I use AMA Profiles Connect through our software provider, will I receive a summary of orders placed by my organization?
Yes. A daily receipt summary will be delivered to your organization for orders placed that day.
Integrating data into proprietary software
Can we integrate data through AMA Data Integration into our organization’s proprietary software?
Yes. When you complete this form, please take the following additional steps: (1) select “Other” when answering “Type of Credentialing Software” and (2) type “I would like to integrate with AMA Profiles Connect. Please contact me” in the “Question(s)/video tutorial suggestions” box.
If you don’t see an answer to your question in this list of FAQs, please click here to complete a form. We will respond to your question by email within three business days, and we will continuously update our FAQ list, as needed.
Prefer to speak with someone by phone? Please call 800-262-3211, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Central.