CPT® Assistant is the official source for CPT coding guidance. This monthly content is an essential resource for medical coding and billing professionals, which offers expert guidance and clarification on the complex and ever-evolving landscape of CPT coding. It is designed to enhance understanding, ensure accuracy and streamline the coding process by providing detailed explanations, coding tips and clinical examples for the proper application of CPT codes.
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CPT Assistant content offers in-depth articles on coding for new procedures and technologies, answers to frequently asked questions, and updates on regulatory changes and their impact on coding. CPT Assistant has been instrumental in:
- Appealing insurance denials
- Validating coding to auditors
- Training staff
- Answering day-to-day questions that arise with applying the CPT code set correctly
Access previous CPT Assistant issues
In addition to the monthly updates on the latest coding guidance, CPT Assistant content also includes an archive of all previously published CPT Assistant articles. Access article content that educates the industry on proper CPT coding for past, present and future code set releases. The content archive features examples, descriptions and illustrations that help explain the practical application of each new code. Other benefits include:
- Access to every article published in CPT Assistant since 1990
- Search capabilities- when integrated into compatible platforms, the content files support search by keyword, phrase, code number, issue or article index
- Official interpretations of CPT guideline changes from the CPT Assistant Editorial Board
- Anatomical illustrations, charts and graphs
- Answers to frequently asked questions
Coding guidance: Prior authorization
Prior authorization is an administrative process that requires physicians or other qualified health care professionals (QHPs) to obtain approval from a health insurance carrier before a service, supply or medication will be authorized if provided to a patient. This article provides guidance on the appropriate reporting of time and effort of prior authorization related activities performed by clinical staff.
To provide uniform guidance in this area, comprehensive CPT coding guidance on prior authorization activities will be published in the October 2024 issue of CPT Assistant. Download and read the prior authorization issue of CPT Assistant (PDF).
Coding guidance: Musculoskeletal system
Procedures on the musculoskeletal system represent some of the most commonly performed procedures reported in the CPT code set. The introductory guidelines in this section were revised and reorganized in the 2022 code set to clarify fracture and dislocation treatment services.
To provide additional clarity in use of this section of CPT codes, an article was published in CPT Assistant on the topic. Download and read the article pertaining to musculoskeletal system guidelines. (PDF)
Coding guidance: Neurostimulator services
Changes for the CPT 2024 code set included significant changes in coding for neurostimulator services, involving extensive review and revision/establishment of both Category I and Category III codes. These codes are:
- 61889
- 61891
- 61892
- 63685
- 63688
- 64590
- 64595
- 64596
- 64597
- 64598
- 0784T
- 0785T
- 0786T
- 0787T
- 0788T
- 0789T
To provide uniform guidance in this area, comprehensive CPT coding guidance on neurostimulator services was published in the December 2023 issue of CPT Assistant, as well as revised guidelines in CPT 2024 Professional. Download and read the neurostimulator issue of CPT Assistant (PDF).
CPT Assistant topic suggestions & CPT coding questions
Do you have a CPT coding topic that you’d like to see addressed in a future issue of CPT Assistant? Submit the form with your suggestion. All requests will be reviewed by the CPT Assistant Editorial Board.
If you have a specific CPT coding question, please sign up for a CPT Network subscription.