Physician Health

AMA STEPS Forward® Learning Collaboratives FAQs


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The AMA STEPS Forward® Innovation Academy Learning Collaboratives are designed to help implement organizational improvements in important areas of practice, including workflow, teamwork and clinician well-being.

How many web sessions will there be throughout the Collaborative? 

Each Collaborative will include 4-10 web sessions, depending on the duration and intensity of the individual program. 

What is the time commitment? 

Learning collaboratives will vary in duration from 6-12 months. Please refer to the application page for the learning collaborative you are interested in for specific information about program duration. Learning collaboratives will include 60–90 minute web sessions at regular intervals as well as assigned homework. 

What will happen in the web sessions? 

Each web session includes didactic and shared learning through a presentation by our physician faculty and open discussion.

Do I have to attend all the web sessions? 

Yes! Attendance at all web sessions and completion of all assigned tasks are imperative to the quality and success of your experience.

How are the web sessions hosted? 

Web sessions are hosted through Zoom, and a personalized participant dashboard will be provided based on each collaborative’s needs. Login instructions will be communicated to all attendees in advance of the sessions. 

Who should participate? 

Depending on the topic area of the Learning Collaborative, your organization should commit leaders with decision-making authority from relevant functional areas such as clinical departments, operations, informatics, IT, wellness, compliance or others. Please refer to the application page for the learning collaborative you are interested in for specific information about participants. 

What kind of support will we get from the AMA during the Collaborative?

The AMA provides support to Collaborative participants via personal communication with our physician facilitators, evidence-based resources, and expert-created content and education. Faculty will be available during established Office Hours for questions and mentorship.

How will we stay in touch between web sessions? 

Participants will have access to an online space that will provide access to resources, peer-to-peer discussion through a private channel, links to recorded and upcoming web sessions and office hours. Contact the Program Administrator at [email protected] with questions.

How will we measure success for the change we make in the Learning Collaborative? 

Metrics for success will depend on your health system, the change you implement, and the outcome you anticipate. When appropriate, we recommend using data-driven metrics such as EHR user data to measure specific outcomes. However, not all changes implemented will require this type of data.

What can this Learning Collaborative help us with that we’re not already doing?

Participating in this collaborative goes beyond learning new strategies and methods to transform care delivery in several ways. We will focus on how to implement changes in complex health care systems and address common barriers to change. The learning collaborative leverages peer-to-peer learning with group discussion, sharing of results, and facilitating new relationships between health systems leaders. Lastly, collaborative participation includes implementing a tactic in your organization with measurable impact. This accountability of testing new skills and application to your home organization augments the learning experience and delivers value to the participating systems. 

How can I get buy-in from other key leaders?

Delivering results that impact professional satisfaction while improving efficiency and effectiveness of care is a shared need across health systems. To transform care, partnership across the key stakeholders and leaders is critical. Clinical, operational, informatics, and other leaders must work together to achieve results. This collaboration is a unique offering that facilitates this partnership, delivers results, and builds your organization’s capacity to continue transforming your delivery system. 

Is there a cost to participate? 

Fees for each Learning Collaborative may vary. Please reference the application page for the learning collaborative you are interested in for specific information about the cost of participation.