Private Practices

Marketing and branding for private practices


This Private Practice Simple Solutions session, part of the AMA STEPS Forward® Innovation Academy, is an eight-week learning session using the Private Practice Marketing and Branding resource bundle as a guide for discussing common issues that practices encounter around the implementation of basic marketing strategies.

Topics addressed by subject matter experts Rob Rosenberg and Donna Arbogast of Springboard Brand and Creative Strategy include identifying marketing advantages, conducting research to gauge community satisfaction, and using social media and other paid digital platforms.

AMA private practice sustainability

Whether you’re considering private practice or already working independently, the AMA has the resources you need to start and sustain success.

A Guide to Identifying Your Practice’s Marketing Advantage (PDF)

Conducting Market Research to Gauge Community Needs and Patient Satisfaction (PDF)

A Guide to Building Trust in Your Practice Through Public Relations and Community Outreach (PDF)

A Guide to Basic Digital Strategies (PDF)

A Guide to Advanced Digital Strategies (PDF)

A Guide to Maximizing Physician Referral Strategies (PDF)