CHICAGO — With immigration policies dominating national and local news, the AMA Journal of Ethics devoted its January issue to health care for undocumented immigrants.

“The health of our immigrant populations is at risk, and it is imperative that physicians are informed about the issues that affect these populations and are equipped to act as effective advocates,” said guest editor Isha Marina Di Bartolo, MD. “Advocacy should begin in medical school where social determinants of health are dissected alongside cadavers, in resident clinic exam rooms where culturally competent care is modelled, in health disparities research institutes, and in social media campaigns where physicians lead the call to action. This issue of the AMA Journal of Ethics hopes to begin conversations about the challenges physicians face in caring for our millions of undocumented immigrants and to empower individual clinicians to be part of the solution.”

Articles include:

How Should Health Professionals and Policy Makers Respond to Substandard Care of Detained Immigrants?
Medical-legal partnerships can help detainees by motivating health, safety, and human rights standards in detention centers

April 2018 Flores Settlement Suit Challenges Unlawful Administration of Psychotropic Medication to Immigrant Children
What should happen when drugs given to detained children without parental consent compromise their best interests?

Best Practices for Teaching Care Management of Undocumented Patients
Going to so-called safety-net clinics could mean being subject to different standards of care than those in other health care delivery settings. Learners who understand social determinants of health might be able to help patients navigate the system and access community resources.

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