3 Min Read

Debunking regulatory myths

The AMA provides regulatory clarification to physicians and their care teams in an effort to aid physicians in their day-to-day practice environment.

Debunking Regulatory Myths

Keep your practice doors open

The AMA fights to keep private practice a viable option for physicians. We're working to remove unnecessary burdens and reclaim the time you need to focus on patients.

Doctor measuring blood pressure
7 Min Read

How Rush boosted BP control on Chicago’s West Side

This simple step can be a lifesaver: rechecking a patient’s BP when it’s high. Rush University Medical Center now does it three times more often.

Health System Spotlight
2 Min Read

Is order entry a physician-only EHR task?

Get real answers from the AMA to common myths about who can enter orders in the EHR.

Medicare & Medicaid
Debunking Regulatory Myths
Group of health care workers walking down a hallway
8 Min Read

Letting doctors delegate can help reduce physician burnout

Northwell Health enables physicians to smartly use teamwork to complete routine tasks so doctors have more face time with patients.

Physician Health
1 Min Read

Pearl of the Week: Optimize the role of the medical assistant

Find resources on optimizing the role and leveraging skills of your medical assistant.

AMA STEPS Forward® Pearl of the Week
A team of doctors joining their hands together
6 Min Read

To ease physician burnout, boost staff training

At Confluence Health, staffers are helping to ease physicians’ EHR burdens. The effort is being noticed.

Physician Health
Health System Spotlight
1 Min Read

Pearl of the Week: Medical assistant (MA) development program

Find resources to promote life-long learning. 

AMA STEPS Forward® Pearl of the Week
1 Min Read

Pearl of the Week: Trusting the telehealth team

Find resources to focus on how empower team members and leverage their skills.

AMA STEPS Forward®
AMA STEPS Forward® Pearl of the Week
Circle of health care workers in discussion
4 Min Read

Battlefield widens with hundreds of scope-creep bills introduced

Protecting patients from unsafe expansion of nonphysician scope of practice is paramount. Learn how the AMA fights to stop scope creep.

Scope of Practice
Fighting for Physicians