Read about members of the AMA Guides® Editorial Panel.
Find resources on diabetes and prediabetes prevention programs.
Explore information about the CPT® new Proprietary Laboratory Analyses (PLA) Codes and how to request that codes be added to the PLA section of the CPT Code.
Some physicians are deterred from seeking mental health care because of credentialing concerns. Northwest Permanente decided to change this.
Find how the AMA ChangeMedEd® initiative focuses on increased diversity and an improved sense of belonging in medical education.
Learn more about publications of the Accelerating Change in Medical Education Consortium for undergraduate and graduate medical education.
This AMA FAQ helps medical students get off to a strong start by answering some of their most common questions.
Osteopathic medicine is a distinctive branch of medical practice in the U.S. that emphasizes a “whole-person” approach to diagnosis, treatment and patient care. Learn more.
There are some key questions that residents and young physicians should consider during the contracting process. For example: Do physicians tend to stay?
Follow this expert advice on how to improve as a physician by maximizing your interactions with attendings and other care-team members.
The AMA Update covers a range of health care topics affecting the lives of physicians and patients. Learn more about AMA's advocacy efforts for 2025.
ChangeMedEd® is a national conference that brings together leaders and innovators to accelerate change in medical education across the continuum. Learn more.
Build a framework for the implementation of AI in practice during this seven-month shared learning collaborative. Registration now open.
Find information on the organizations that make up the Federation of Medicine—including state, county and national medical specialty societies.
Download and review the PDF list of pending reports from the Board and the councils, and submit comments and feedback.
Apply for a leadership position by submitting the required documentation by the deadline.
Download the PDF to read the rules and regulations that guide the AMA to uphold its mission to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health.
The AMA is your ally in providing you with opportunities in the MAS to develop your leadership skills and advocate for patients and the profession.
The strength of the AMA Medical Student Section (MSS) lies in its local presence.
Find a calendar listing the upcoming meetings of the CPT Editorial Panel.
View the individuals responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the organization.
Both physicians and patients can fall prey to regulatory myths in medicine. The AMA is your source for reading up on medical regulatory myths.
Note templates can help physicians cut back the hours they spend on the computer. But does health care’s biggest payer have rules against them?
Can non-physician care team members respond to patient messages? Learn more with the AMA's Debunking Regulatory Myths series.
Find resources on reducing regulatory burden.
Extending prescription duration to the legally allowed maximum—when appropriate—can help cut stress for patients and physicians.
The AMA provides regulatory clarification to physicians and their care teams in an effort to aid physicians in their day-to-day practice environment.
Some health care organizations permit only physicians and others who perform a service to enter or change diagnosis codes. Are they on the right track?
Learn how to debunk the myth that only physicians can pend or enter orders through computerized provider order entry (CPOE)—download the myth, FAQ, slides and other resources.
Find resources on outpatient documentation and coding.
Many physicians would be happy to save time and eat or snack at their desks. Do food-safety rules in health care permit that?