The Permanente Medical Group is proactively addressing depression and social isolation among preteens through screening, phone apps and therapy.
Innovative Medicare program set to expire at year’s end, but the evidence backs extending it to help patients recover in the comfort of home.
Find resources to help transition to a new EHR.
Viruses, malware and hackers pose a threat to patients and physician practices. Find resources to protect patient health records and other data from cyberattacks.
Understand the evolving field of health systems science and acquire the necessary tools and skills to successfully share this approach with medical students.
The goal of the Reimagining Residency grant program is to transform residency training to best address the workplace needs of our current and future health care system.
If your M1 transition’s been rocky, you’re not alone. Show yourself the same compassion you show classmates, says AMA member Suzanne J. Templer, DO.
Virginia Skiba, MD, of Henry Ford Health, started her career in neurology but switched to sleep medicine after about a decade. Find out why.
To perform at your best on the night shift, resident physicians should follow the evidence on what works. One tip: Drink your java at the right time.
Resident physicians must quickly absorb huge knowledge chunks—and care for patients. You won’t know it all, so here’s how to move forward.
Learn about the current state of competition in health insurance markets across the U.S. and review in-depth analysis on market concentration.
Discover the AMA's position on health insurance mergers and why the AMA believes fewer insurance carriers undermine physician practices and harm patient care.
ChangeMedEd® is a national conference that brings together leaders and innovators to accelerate change in medical education across the continuum. Learn more.
Build a framework for the implementation of AI in practice during this seven-month shared learning collaborative launching April 2025.
Review the dates for future Annual and Interim Meetings of the AMA House of Delegates and AMA policy on meeting locations.
Download PDFs of the proceedings from the 2024 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates.
Apply for a leadership position by submitting the required documentation by the deadline.
Download PDFs of reports on this topic from the Council on Medical Education presented during the AMA Interim and Annual Meetings.
Take on a leadership role in the RFS and make an impact on issues facing residents and fellows, patients and the medical profession.
Find the agenda PDF, documents and more for the 2024 APS Interim Meeting on Nov. 8 at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, Florida.
Find a calendar listing the upcoming meetings of the CPT Editorial Panel.
The Office of International Relations works to maintain the AMA’s relationships with national medical associations and global health care organizations.
Get the latest on what's being done to prevent type 2 diabetes. With prediabetes on the rise, the need for knowledge on Type 2 diabetes grows. Stay up to date with all the news on type 2 diabetes prevention at the AMA.
On World Diabetes Day 2018, the AMA, the CDC and the Ad Council continue the fight against type 2 diabetes.
The AMA urges the FDA to develop front-of-package warning labels for foods that are high in added sugars based on the established recommended daily value.
AMA President Barbara L. McAneny, MD, says the AMA is fighting the forces that make the U.S. health system so dysfunctional.
How you can help patients see the need for immediate action and connect them with the right resources for diabetes prevention.
These online CME activities offer educational insights on nutrition, diabetes prevention, hypertension control, practice redesign and more.
Two step-by-step guides help doctors score well under the 2018 Merit-based Incentive Payment System for what they do to prevent heart disease and diabetes.
Looking to obtain CME credit for 2018? Here are some intriguing CME options to consider.
Charles Alessi, MD, chief clinical officer for HIMSS International, details the importance of a global perspective in preventing diabetes.
This ACO’s integrated, community-based approach to helping their patients with diabetes and prediabetes has reaped rewards and can serve as a model.