This instructions page will help AMA members navigate the virtual House of Delegates (HOD) and reference committee hearings. Information includes:
- How to use and log into platforms
- How to join the speaking queue
- What to do if you are having technical problems
Review these instructions prior to the meeting, and keep them available during the virtual meeting for reference.
Practice session recording
There won't be a live practice session for the November meeting, but you can review the video recording from the June 2021 Special Meeting of the HOD to familiarize yourself with the process.
Using the Lumi & Zoom platforms
The Lumi and Zoom platforms will be used to participate in the HOD meeting and reference committees. You will need to have both Lumi and Zoom open on your computer in two different windows. You may use two devices. For example, a separate mobile or tablet may be used to log into the Lumi platform to request to speak and vote.
We recommend using Zoom on a computer rather than a mobile device. Keep your microphone muted in Zoom until prompted.
Each platform is used for different tasks.
Lumi platform
Use for:
- Entering the speaking queue. (A key to the speaking Action Terms you must use will be found in the Lumi platform).
- Voting on elections and motions.
- Viewing documents.
Zoom platform
Use for:
- Viewing meeting proceedings.
- Raising your hand to speak when asked to do so by the presiding officer.
- Enabling your camera
- Enabling your microphone, after being called on by the presiding officer.
Lumi log in instructions & session links
Lumi instructions
Click on the session link in Lumi (see "Lumi and Zoom session links" heading on this page) for the respective session.
- Delegate Credential = 9-character alphanumeric codes mailed and emailed to each delegate.
- Business Credentiall: Letter B followed by 8 digits, e.g. B12345678, with password 2021special (lowercase). This should be used for all hearings and sessions.
- Alternates and members wishing to join the speaking queue during reference committee hearings should login under “Alternate/Guest”
Lumi sessions links
Reference committees
- Reference Committee on Amends. to Constitution & Bylaws
- Ref. Comm. A: Medical Service
- Ref. Comm. B: Legislation
- Ref. Comm. C: Medical Education
- Ref. Comm. D: Public Health
- Ref. Comm. E: Science and Technology
- Ref. Comm. F: Finance
- Ref. Comm. G: Medical Practice
Zoom log in instructions & session links
Click on the Zoom link (see "Lumi and Zoom session links" heading on this page) for the respective session and use your first and last name at login. If you have previously signed into Zoom with your account, please double check your login or display name, and ensure you have entered the same first and last name as in Lumi.
Reminder to alternate delegates (only when “seated” in the HOD): You will use your delegate’s Business Credential but must still enter your first and last name in Zoom.
Zoom sessions links
Reference committees:
- Reference Committee on Amends. to Constitution & Bylaws
- Ref. Comm. A: Medical Service
- Ref. Comm. B: Legislation
- Ref. Comm. C: Medical Education
- Ref. Comm. D: Public Health
- Ref. Comm. E: Science and Technology
- Ref. Comm. F: Finance
- Ref. Comm. G: Medical Practice
Speaking during the virtual meeting
- When you log into Lumi, you will see the HOME screen.
- To join the Speaking Queue, click the MESSAGING icon in the menu bar.
- To join the speaking queue, enter (copy/paste or type) one of the listed Action Terms in the Messaging box at the top and hit the purple arrow icon.
- Alternate delegates for the HOD only: After your Action Term add your FIRST and LAST NAME and ALTERNATE (e.g., PRO JANE DOE ALTERNATE).
- If using the Action Term PARLI, please also enter your parliamentary inquiry.
Reminder: Use only the appropriate ACTION TERMS as instructed and do not send other comments or questions.
The presiding officer will announce the order of speakers. When your name is announced, raise your hand in Zoom.
- There will be a brief disconnection from Zoom as you are promoted to the speaking queue. You will be reconnected after this brief pause. Turn on your camera, but do not unmute until directed to do so by the presiding officer.
- When it is your turn to speak, turn on your microphone (unmute) and begin speaking.
- You will see a countdown timer in one of the windows showing your allotted time (90 seconds unless changed by the presiding officer).
- Once your turn to speak is over, the production team will mute your microphone and disable your camera. There will again be a brief disconnection from Zoom. Don’t panic! You will automatically be reconnected.
Voting process
- Voting items will appear automatically in Lumi.
- When the vote appears, select YES or NO, your vote will be cast automatically. If you wish to change your vote, you may do so as long as the poll is open. Remember only your last selection will be counted.
Viewing documents
- You can view meeting documents by clicking on the DOCUMENTS icon in the menu bar in Lumi. This icon will only be present when there are documents to be viewed.
Getting back to the Home screen
Return to the Home screen by clicking on the HOME icon on the menu bar in the Lumi platform.
Best practice tips
- If possible, connect to the Internet via an ethernet cable. If using WiFi, ensure that you are close to your wireless router and that your connection is stable.
- Headsets are helpful for hearing audio and speaking more clearly.
- Speakers from the floor will be seen on webcam while speaking. Ensure you have a webcam built into your computer or connect with a free-standing one.
- You can log into both Zoom and Lumi up to 30 minutes before, and ideally at least 15 minutes before each session.
- Make sure you log into Zoom with your first and last name so production staff can easily find you in the list.
- Raise your hand icon and use only when prompted.
- Turn on your camera in the bottom left corner after the brief pause in Zoom.
- Unmute only when called upon to speak using the icon in the bottom left corner.
Participants with technical issues should email [email protected] (please include a phone number); we will contact you as soon as possible to provide assistance. For urgent issues during the meeting, the HOD Hotline, 800-337-1599, will be available for assistance. Please note that unless there is a widespread technical difficulty, proceedings will continue.
What is my username to log into the Lumi platform?
Delegates and current and past officers should have an alphanumeric code: a Business Credential beginning with the letter “B” to be used for the reference committees and business sessions. These will be sent by U..mail and will be emailed as well. Delegates may share their Business Credential with their alternate delegate, but only one person can be logged in with the credential at a time. The password for business sessions and reference committees is 2021special (lower case). Alternates and others may log into the Lumi platform as “guests” and use their first and last names.
Does the platform allow for participants to group chat with each other and other voting members during the virtual meeting?
No, the chat and message functions are not enabled to allow participants to communicate with one another. Participants are responsible for determining a preferred method of communications outside of Lumi and Zoom. Some options include use of free group chat platforms like Slack, group text or email chains, conference lines, or apps like GroupMe.
How do I vote?
When a motion / resolution is put before the meeting, the voting will automatically pop up within your Lumi platform. Click on your selection to cast your vote.
Which browsers are supported?
It is recommended to use the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. Do not use Internet Explorer.
Download instructions
Download the meeting instructions (PDF)
Table of Contents
- Practice session recording
- Using the Lumi & Zoom platforms
- Lumi log in instructions & session links
- Zoom log in instructions & session links
- Speaking during the virtual meeting
- Voting process
- Viewing documents
- Getting back to the Home screen
- Best practice tips
- Troubleshooting
- FAQs
- Download instructions