Women Physicians

2024 WPS Annual Meeting highlights


The AMA Women Physicians Section (WPS) held its 2024 Annual Business meeting on Friday, June 7.

Your Powerful Ally

The AMA helps physicians build a better future for medicine, advocating in the courts and on the Hill to remove obstacles to patient care and confront today’s greatest health crises.

During this session, the WPS reviewed several items of business before the House of Delegates. They included the following resolutions authored by the section:

  • Resolution 314: Reducing the Lifetime Earnings Gap in the U.S. with Similar Educational Attainment by Employing the Gainful Employment Rule
  • Resolution 425: Perinatal Mental Health Disorders among Medical Students and Physicians

During the business meeting, updates on WPS activities were shared, including the availability of the Giambalvo and Inspiration Award applications.

On Sunday, the WPS Associates meeting hosted a speed mentoring event. Topics for discussion ranged from physician entrepreneurship and contract negotiation to work-life harmony and fertility planning.

Lastly, the WPS elected Elisa Choi, MD, as chair, and Tiffani L. Bell Washington, MD, MPH, as vice-chair.

For additional information on the 2024 Annual WPS meeting, visit the section's agenda and resources page.