Physician Health

Joy in Medicine™ Health System Roadmap


The Joy in Medicine™ Health System Roadmap is a comprehensive, 100+ page guidebook that includes the research and strategy behind the Joy in Medicine Health System Recognition Program—as well as resources, tools, case examples and submission samples.

AMA Health System Program

This roadmap is a step-by-step guide to building well-being across a health system, following six pillars that contribute to well-being: Assessment, Commitment, Efficiency of Practice Environment, Teamwork, Leadership and Support.

The Joy in Medicine Health System Roadmap (PDF) is updated annually to include the most current program guidelines, along with new and emerging research and learnings from recognized organizations.

Whether your organization has been building well-being for years or is just beginning to explore this work, the Joy in Medicine Health System Roadmap can be a useful tool as you build well-being initiatives across your organization.

Joy in Medicine: Angela Myers, MD, quote


Measuring physician well-being and burnout is critical to understanding and addressing system issues. By measuring the operational effectiveness of your organization and the well-being of your physicians, you can readily identify and target meaningful interventions. It is important that validated measurement tools are used that provide insight into the system drivers of burnout so that organizations can effectively implement system-level solutions.

Learn more about Assessment  (PDF).

Explore how recognized health systems have used the Assessment pillar.


A cross-cutting organizational commitment to workforce well-being is essential to preventing burnout within an organization. Commitment from an organization may include different strategies over time such as the establishment of a wellness committee or office on well-being, appointing a chief wellness officer and developing well-being as part of an organization’s strategic plan. Gaining institutional buy-in and establishing a plan of action is one of the first key steps in the Joy in Medicine Roadmap.

Learn more about Commitment (PDF).

Explore how recognized health systems have used the Commitment pillar.

Efficiency of Practice Environment

Operational efficiency is key to supporting well-being. Workflow and technology inefficiencies—in addition to documentation requirements—play a central role in driving burnout among physicians. The AMA has outlined several standard metrics that organizations can use to understand the time physicians spend on the EHR, inbox, documentation and work outside of normal scheduled hours.

These metrics will support targeted interventions aimed at improving the underlying work environment so that physicians can spend more time doing meaningful work with patients.

Learn more about Efficiency of Practice Environment (PDF).

Explore how recognized health systems have used the Efficiency of Practice Environment pillar.


Effective teamwork can have a tremendous impact on the overall well-being of physicians and care teams. Effective teamwork has been linked to less stress, higher job satisfaction and improvements in patient care. Teamwork and team-based care must be purposefully cultivated and consider more than just whether team members “get along.”

Rather, cultivating effective teamwork and team-based care must consider a wide range of factors such as team structures, role functions and workflows that enhance the ability for teams to work together more seamlessly.

Learn more about Teamwork (PDF).

Explore how recognized health systems have used the Teamwork pillar.

Health System Roadmap

Access Joy in Medicine program criteria, resources, case examples and submission samples.


Leadership behaviors set the foundation of organizational culture, a primary indicator of organizational well-being. Leaders cultivate teams and directly support their growth, development and overall well-being. Immediate leaders are particularly important in driving professional satisfaction and fostering teamwork.

Measuring leader behaviors inside an organization is an important step to understand how leaders are perceived by the teams they lead and where improvements in leader behaviors can have the highest impact. Effective leadership is foundational to the health and well-being of an organization.

Learn more about Leadership (PDF).

Explore how recognized health systems have used the Leadership pillar.


Cultivating connections at work is an important means to driving professional satisfaction. These connections may be fostered through both formal and informal programs. These programs may include peer-to-peer discussions (buddy systems), small group dinners, formal peer support programs, or peer coaching programs. Peer support is a key component of building a culture of trust and collegiality.

Learn more about Support (PDF).

Explore how recognized health systems have used the Support pillar.

Download the Joy in Medicine Program Roadmap (PDF) to access program criteria, resources, case examples and submission samples.