AMA in the News

AMA in the News: October 2019


AMA in the News covers media coverage and mentions about the American Medical Association. Find articles recognizing our efforts in health care, advocacy, medical education, and improvements in public health. Read coverage on the achievements of our leadership and the members of the AMA community.

  1. Congress to Once Again Tackle Medicare Restrictions on Telehealth

    1. mHealthIntelligence, Oct. 31, 2019
    2. The CONNECT Act looks to eliminate geographical restrictions to Medicare coverage of telehealth, with AMA support.
  2. A Hunger Strike in ICE Detention

    1. The New Yorker, Oct. 29, 2019
    2. Article on immigrant hunger strike while in ICE detention cites AMA policy on force-feeding.
  3. Provider groups say privacy, not liability, is top concern with patient apps

    1. Modern Healthcare, Oct. 28, 2019
    2. Dr. Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, AMA board chair, discusses privacy implications for sharing health information with third-party apps.
  4. Flu season 2019: AMA says time for physicians to promote flu shots

    1. Medical Economics, Oct. 24, 2019
    2. The American Medical Association (AMA) is encouraging everyone over the age of six months and especially pregnant women to be vaccinated against the flu, according to a news release.
  5. Top health officials: Use money from opioid lawsuits to bolster treatment and prevention

    1. USA Today, Oct. 22, 2019
    2. Op-ed for USA Today on how to best direct the money from opioid lawsuit settlements by Dr. Patrice A. Harris, President of the American Medical Association, and Brian Gragnolati, chair of the board of trustees of the American Hospital Association.
  6. Hospital Groups Call for Balanced Fix to Surprise Medical Billing

    1. PatientEngagementHIT, Oct. 22, 2019
    2. An AMA letter draws renewed attention on legislative fixes for surprise medical billing.
  7. Sunday’s Editorial: AMA president leads on opioids

    1. The Florida Times-Union, Oct. 20, 2019
    2. Editorial on Dr. Patrice A. Harris’ agenda as AMA president.
  8. How should AI be designed and regulated, and who should it serve?

    1. Healthcare IT News, Oct. 17, 2019
    2. Panel of experts, including AMA Board Chair Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, discuss the right regulatory approach to augmented intelligence (AI) at the Connected Health conference.
  9. AMA, industry groups urge Congress to act on surprise billing

    1. HealthExec, Oct. 17, 2019
    2. The AMA has joined forces with 110 other healthcare industry groups to urge Congress to find a balanced approach to surprise medical billing legislation.
  10. Restoring the Joy of Medicine One Stressor at a Time

    1. Medscape, Oct. 16, 2019
    2. Medical organizations in the United States and elsewhere are addressing the stressors that lead to physician burnout through efforts such as the AMA’s Joy in Medicine program. (Free registration is required to view content.)
  11. Burnout Costs Medical Practices Big $$$

    1. MedPage Today, Oct. 15, 2019
    2. Given the significant financial impact of physician burnout on medical practices, some organizations are now using the AMA’s resources to address the issue. (Free registration is required to view content.)
  12. Want Your Practice to Be Seen as LGBTQ-Inclusive? Drop Some Clues

    1. MedPage Today, Oct. 14, 2019
    2. AMA Board Chair Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, M.D., MPH, provides guidance on how medical practices can make their offices more welcome for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) patients. (Free registration is required to view content.)
  13. AMA President Also Visits Concord University

    1. WVAA-TV (West Virginia), Oct. 11, 2019
    2. AMA President Patrice A. Harris, MD, MA, visits her hometown in West Virginia to provide remarks about the Opioid Task Force.
  14. AMA Board Chair on AI's opportunities for optimizing healthcare operations

    1. Healthcare IT News, Oct. 9, 2019 
    2. Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld explores the practical implications of artificial intelligence and its impacts on quality, safety, cost reduction, patient engagement and more ahead of his roundtable session at the Connected Health Conference in Boston Oct. 16.  
  15. American Medical Association, local retailers crack down on vaping 

    1. WGN-TV (Chicago), Oct. 7, 2019 
    2. Local retailers are joining the American Medical Association and new legislation in the fight against teen vaping.  
  16. American Medical Association: Do the Right Thing, SCOTUS

    1. Advocate, Oct. 8, 2019 
    2. Op-Ed by AMA president Patrice A. Harris, MD, urging the Supreme Court to protect patients and workers from anti-LGBTQ discrimination.