HOD Organization

2022 Annual Meeting of the HOD: June 7 Speakers' Update


We wish to bring the following items to your attention:

Reference committee preliminary documents–Pursuant to Policy D-600.956, “Increasing the Effectiveness of Online Reference Committee Testimony,” the preliminary documents called for by the policy have been posted on the meeting business page.

Rules & Credentials reports–The Rules Report and a draft of the Supplementary Report of the Committee on Rules & Credentials are posted on the same page as the reference committee preliminary documents. The rules report will be considered during Friday evening’s opening session. The supplementary report will be considered Saturday and will be updated as necessary, should additional business come to the committee.

Updated Speakers’ Letter–Although the changes are few, the updated Speakers’ Letter can be accessed here (PDF).

N95 respirators–While our AMA will have some masks available at the meeting, attendees are encouraged to bring their own preferred style of well-fitting masks. Should you or a guest need a mask, the CDC provides a tool showing a list of pharmacies that provide free masks (N95 respirators). It does not show their current inventory, so check with the location for availability. 

Streaming of meetings–This is our first, in-person meeting in two and a half years, so we are streaming elements of the meeting for viewing by interested members. The streams will be online webinars using Zoom. Access the business sessions and reference committees with the following URLs:

All HOD business sessions 

Saturday hearings

Sunday hearings

Please note that these webinars are NOT interactive and are available for viewing only.

Finally, be advised that at this point changes in delegations will have to be handled onsite at the AMA registration desk.

Thank you, and safe travels to all.

Responses should be directed to [email protected]

For additional speakers' updates visit the updates overview page.