Digital health is the future
New technologies are fundamentally changing the way people interact with health care. Successful implementation of digital health technology will be imperative for improving patient outcomes and ensuring financial stability for health care practices.
While clinical integration of digital tools is more common, the industry still has not realized the full potential of digitally enabled care. The AMA wants to change that. AMA’s Digital Health Implementation Playbooks package key steps, best practices and resources to accelerate the adoption of digital health innovations, helping physicians extend care beyond the exam room.
Telehealth Implementation Playbook
Telehealth can be used as an alternative to traditional in-person care delivery and, in certain circumstances, can be used to deliver care such as the diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management and self-management of patients.
Telehealth Quick Guide
The AMA developed the Telehealth Quick Guide, pulling key information from the Playbook as well as tracking the ever-changing policy and coverage landscape amid the public health emergency. By supporting physicians and practices in the accelerated implementation of telehealth, the AMA provides guidance to help health care workers and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Remote Patient Monitoring Implementation Playbook
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) captures and records patient physiological data outside of the traditional health care environment. RPM provides the opportunity to improve diagnosis and management of chronic disease and engage patients in their own care.
Telehealth Clinical Education Playbook
The AMA Telehealth Clinical Education Playbook provides a framework to organize and implement telehealth clinical education—especially at the patient encounter level.
Patient Access Playbook
The Patient Access Playbook focuses on dispelling HIPAA myths and helping physicians understand their obligations to provide patients with access to their health information.
The State of Health at Home Models: Key Considerations and Opportunities
This Health at Home report offers a comprehensive guide to the current state of health at home models including a framework that outlines the types of care that can be delivered in the home, the benefits of delivering care to patients in their home environments, and key considerations for physicians, practices, and health systems exploring these models of care.